
Ditulis oleh : alhudasindangreret on Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

There is little question about the honesty of a small businessman, "is honesty still apply today?, Age of crazy that if we are not mad he will not miss out and can not survive, whether with honesty that our effort will last for a long time?".

Hearing the question we are concerned that employers, because employers are indirectly have started doubting about the importance of an honesty in business. but the employers are not to blame for granted, with the question he may have despaired of the business climate in our country, the bureaucracy that makes growing proliferation of dishonesty and the tendency of governments that prefer the big businessmen.

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Environmental Indicators

Ditulis oleh : alhudasindangreret

Environment that we live not forever be in stable condition and balanced. Some human activities have changed the environment function properly. Some animals and plants has its own sensitivity to environmental changes. Decrease in species diversity or a decrease in population has become an indicator of environmental pollution.   
Animals as environmental indicators The existence of several animals had been long been used as indicators of environmental pollution. Frog is one of the animals that have a sensitivity to environmental changes. Decline in populations of frogs in our environment can be an indication that the neighborhood has undergone a change that causes the frog habitat disturbed.

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Optimistic and Productive

Ditulis oleh : alhudasindangreret

The benefits are positive for a Muslim who has a patient attitude is the birth of optimistic attitude. Optimistic and patience honed to bear a confident attitude and a strong belief, patience and optimism also need to be equipped with the nature of trust that is the attitude of surrender, accept all the provisions of God, a Muslim who put their trust optimistic and peaceful life will, no worries on everything that will and might happen, everything is arranged by God Most Creating, these conditions gave birth to high productivity.

Productive for a Muslim is a reflection of intelligence, creativity in the use of the time, he never discard useless every second that ticked, he realized that time he underwent a religious value, "and I did not create the jinn and men but that they may worship me," ( QS.Adzaariyaat, 56).

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4 "Rahasia" Penyakit Tifus

Ditulis oleh : alhudasindangreret on Senin, 07 Maret 2011

Kompas.com. Kita atau bahkan salah satu dari keluarga kita pernah mengalami sakit tifus. Banyak mitos di sekitar kita yang belum tentu terbukti kebenarannya setelah para ahli menyelidikinya. Salah satunya, Penderita penyakit tifus ternyata tidak harus makan bubur. Soal bubur baru merupakan salah satu rahasia dari penyakit tifus. Mengapa bubur tak harus jadi menu utama? Dan apa "rahasia" lainnya, simak penuturan ini:


Penyakit tifus identik dengan menu ketat berbahan utama bubur. Bahkan bubur itu harus disaring sehalus mungkin. "Biar ususnya tidak tambah sakit," begitu kata orang. Tidak cuma itu. Berbagai pantangan pun harus dijalani. Tidak boleh makan ini dan itu. Walhasil, penderita hanya makan bubur dengan lauk pauk seadanya. Dengan menu seperti itu, anak yang menderita tifus boleh jadi tidak nafsu makan, bahkan menolak makan. Siapa sih yang mau melahap bubur hambar miskin lauk? Selain itu, kandungan kalori sepiring bubur lebih sedikit ketimbang nasi. Jika sepiring bubur mengandung 80-100 kalori, maka sepiring nasi dapat empat kalinya. Walhasil, bubur tak hanya membuat nafsu makan anak hilang, tapi juga membuat tubuhnya lemas. Jika asupan gizi kurang maka dapat dipastikan waktu penyembuhan semakin lama.

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